Hate Your CPAP ?  An Oral Appliance Alternative

Dr. Bouzis offers custom-fit, state-of-the-art, and FDA-
approved oral appliance therapies (OAT) that provide an excellent alternative to the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask. Wearing an oral appliance during sleep is 
suitable for most patients providing an unprecedented custom
fit and excellent compliance rates of near 85% – 90%.   

Scheduling a consultation appointment is the first step in determining if you are a candidate for OAT and which device would best improve your airway obstructions and sleeping issues.

What to Expect

During your consultation, we will determine which device will be best for you. Once decided on, you will come in to be fitted for a mandibular advancement device. Your custom-made appliance will put your personal comfort first and be crafted from a lightweight, state-of-the-material. Comparable to a mouth guard or orthodontic retainer, an oral appliance is removable, portable, and easy to use. We will develop a unique treatment plan with instructions on when to wear your device and how to care for it. It is important to bring the appliance with you to all appointments so that it can be inspected for defects and wear.

Follow-Up: Your oral appliance therapy will also include follow-up care and training on how to properly use the device and relieve your symptoms to the fullest extent possible, as well as any needed comfort adjustments. Follow-up sleep studies may be conducted throughout the process either at home or in our office to measure the success of the device. Our team will frequently check in with you to ensure that your comfort level is optimized and that the device is working properly. If this option does not seem to be alleviating your condition as well as you would like, other treatments can be discussed and made available to you.

Dream Wear
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